
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Revisted the old Fanling Wai of my childhoods today and chanced upon Mukeh's two younger siblings. The grey buildings seemed more warm with a dying beauty when graced by the warm glows of the setting sun.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A quickie: You know how 'vintage' has become trendy nowadays? And it never used to be the thing before. I wonder, is it because we have become wrapped into so much mass production that products and objects have lost their culture, meaning, elegance.
A quickie: You know how 'vintage' has become trendy nowadays? And it never used to be the thing before. I wonder, is it because we have become wrapped into so much mass production that products and objects have lost their culture, meaning, elegance.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Destination list:
1. Kuching (East Malaysia)
Destination list:
1. Kuching (East Malaysia)