Lovely toothpick holder
I was just telling the boy during the dinner how I loved his silly old Nikon COOLPIX 5200 - the one which has a rubber band wrapped around to prevent the battery from falling out. It's helped me to lean not on high technology or the clear quality and instead focus on composition, lighting, the parts instead of the whole, and "the" moment to make good pictures and capture the perky things slash moments in life. Anyway, wandering through the colorful floral clothing racks of H&M this evening, waiting for the boy to finish discussing his project, the idea of balance came to mind. It is so hard to find balance in most everything. Take clothing for example. For the thrifty but purposeful shopper, one has to consider the cutting - is the cutting favorable? the style - is it a staple item or a trend? the price - reasonable? and quality. Four factors for one piece of clothing, no wonder girls can go round and round in hours! What about the more important things in life?
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